PHP events calendar

I am no longer persuing this. Unfortunately I got halfway through trying smarty templates, so it's currently a mess. For anyone else trying this, I recommend trying Django, it is what I'll be using.

This was the home of the events calendar I created for the UKWA events database.

If there is any interest in it, I'll create an SVN / Trac repository under an open source license for people to download, try, and hopefully improve it.

It is currently oriented around running UK windsurfing events, but apart form a few extra fields (level, discipline etc.), it is not too specific. Each event has an organiser, and a location.

This information is added and altered by a back-end (password protected) admin area, here's an example screen shot (notice TinyMCE used for adding HTML content):

Screen shot of admin interface


Once there are events in the database, one include/page runs all these things:

The database can also include results/reports/gallery locations to run post-event type pages such as the UKWA results (alhtough I haven't implemented that yet).

It all sounds great doesn't it, so what's the catch? Well, the main one is that I'm not a programmer, so it's probably implemented pretty poorly, without enough abstration. That's partly why I want to make this available, so other eyes can look over an improve it.

Contact me if you are interested, it will be a bit of work to make generic enough for people to install without too much hassle, and then create a repository for it.