Category Archives: Web APIs
ReCAPTCHA updated to no-CAPTCHA
Interesting post from Google on their update for reCAPTCHA, where they are replacing the current CAPTCHA method.
Send to my… fridge?
I've noticed a trend in how I use the internet now, where I use different aspects of it in different contexts. In my browser there is a set of bookmarks in a folder called "Send to", which allows me to direct resources to different places.
dConstruct 2008 notes
My journey to d.construct was a long one, I hadn’t even checked which talks were when, so I was very thankful for the schedule built into your name tag! I took quite a few notes for general use, but please to refer to the originals where possible:
Upcoming relaunched is a site that allowed people to publish their events, and therefore you could see all the events by location and/or type of event. Yahoo bought the company, they have relaunched the site, and it's pretty good (functionality wise at least, I've not checked the markup).
OpenID and trust
I noticed OpenID a while ago, as a possible way to do single-sign-on for internet applications. Recently I wondered why Google used CAPTCHA, and despite it being the most viewed article on this blog (thanks to Matthew Mullenweg), no one pointed out the obvious problem with my argument.
Criteria for using Web 2.0
Whether you think the term "Web 2.0" is a passing buzzword or a useful umbrella term for a range of concepts, I've been hearing some strange requests from clients. Over the course of a few conversations I've distilled down the main criteria I use for establishing whether we should use some fancy new Web 2.0 magic.
Anti-spam, hopefully not anti-user
In what I hope is the only site-admin post I have to do for a while, please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the site, leaving comments, or receiving RSS feeds. I do realise the irony, but please do email me if you are having trouble...
Good use of “Web 2.0” technologies
Things on the web move so fast these days that there is a backlash against what people perceive as “Web 2.0” sites before most of the internet population even know what they are. (Even taking the narrow view of AJAX and tagging).
So it’s good to see a use that …
Applying a comments policy