Things to browse, download or communicate over the internet.
Always the browser to develop with, mostly due to the extensions.
- Download Firefox
- Extensions that I like/use are
- Web developer toolbar
- DevBoi, adds a sidebar for each of the HTML/CSS/DOM2 specs so you can middle click to look something up.
- HTML validator
- Firebug, a different way of going through the code, most useful for it’s JavaScript debugging.
- integration
- Google toolbar
- Colorzilla
- Download videos, to save off things like YouTube.
- All in one gestures, use the mouse to ‘flick’ back, forward, close tab etc.
- Nuke anything, right click on something and ‘nuke’ to remove it. Useful for print-outs or annoying ads.
- Better Gmail, collects the best Greasemonkey scripts for improving Gmail, such as showing nice icons for attachments, and saved searches.
Session saver, (not needed with FF 2).- I have succumbed to social bookmarking, and Yahoo’s delicious extension seems like the best method
- British Language dictionary for Firefox 2’s spell checking.
- Expandable text areas.
- Scrap book, a create a library of saved pages.
- Dust me selectors, find unused CSS selectors in your pages.
See also .Net mag’s favorites, and if you use a high-res monitor, I’d use the Spheregnome Big theme.
I will be trying out:
- Link checker
- Operator, looks like a powerful microformats extension.
- iMacros, automate form-filling and other repetitive tasks.
- Stylish, domain specific user style sheet management.
I’ve been finding Firefox a bit slow on my Mac Mini, possibly due to the umpteen extensions I’ve got installed 😉
I’ve been trying Opera, and it’s good, definately in the same league, but it’s difficult to find documentation on some of the advanced features, so I’m tracking them here:
- Developer tools
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Mouse gestures
- User scripts intro
- Tutorial
- User agent strings
- Web dev toolbar
- Accessibility toolbar
Email - Thunderbird
I use IMAP on my server to allow easy swappng of email applications, but Thunderbird is the one I tend to stick with. It is quicker on Windows than OSX, but still has some nice features that keep me using it.
Bittorrent - Azureus
The program I know from Windows is Java based: Azureus, probably best used with the Peer Guardian pluggin.